Foundation Board of Trustees
The Grande Prairie Regional Hospital Foundation is led by a volunteer Board of Trustees of community leaders that lend governance and direction to the Foundation. Our trustees have a diversity of professional, business, and academic backgrounds and bring a wealth of experience, knowledge, and skills to the boardroom table. These ambassadors give freely of their time and their expertise to carry forward the work of the Hospital Foundation.
A Message from the Board of Trustees
The Hospital is the heart of our community.
The Grande Prairie Regional Hospital Foundation Board of Trustees understands the importance of health care in creating thriving communities.
We serve this board and our community to ensure that our healthcare facilities and staff are there and prepared to help you in your times of need.
We are eternally grateful to our community for the continued support of the Grande Prairie Regional Hospital Foundation. The work we do simply would not be possible without each of you.
The donors, volunteers, and supporters who give selflessly of their time and resources ensure that our hospital continues to thrive and provide.
From the bottom of our hearts, Thank you.

Kim Drever
Past Chair

Kim Drever
Past Chair

Cecile Neil

Cecile Neil
Whether it is for a routine treatment or for a life-saving procedure, we rely on our hospital facility and professionals to provide the best care possible.
I am greatly appreciative of the care and compassion given by healthcare professional, and the access to specialized equipment when a member of my family has needed a lifesaving procedure.
It is through philanthropy that we can continue to provide great healthcare to all.”

Derek Mosenko, CPA

Derek Mosenko, CPA
Everyone in your community will, at some point in their lives, require some form of healthcare. Supporting healthcare is important because it provides a unique opportunity to potentially help everyone in the community all at once.”

Vickram Minhas

Vickram Minhas
A community’s future can be predicted by the quality of its healthcare. It becomes the responsibility of the community to ensure quality healthcare for all its people.”

Cody Beairsto, P.Eng

Cody Beairsto, P.Eng

Dr. Johan Bolton

Dr. Johan Bolton

Loretta Coates, CPA, CA

Loretta Coates, CPA, CA
I see the Grande Prairie Regional Hospital Foundation as a key role in assisting our community in closing that gap between what people need and what is currently available.
Healthcare giving allows your dollars to touch many walks of life at times when people may be most vulnerable and need it the most.”

Sherry Drysdale

Sherry Drysdale
I support the GPRHF because during the pivotal moments in our lives, it is there to support us.”

Stacy Greening, MSc/CHE

Stacy Greening, MSc/CHE
I support healthcare philanthropy because the work is meaningful. Every dollar impacts the health of our community and the people who call the Peace Region home. I have seen the direct impact that local philanthropy has had on enhancing the tools and equipment our healthcare teams use they care for our patients and their families.”

Lindsey McNeil

Lindsey McNeil
I support the GPRHF because I want to see my community prosper. By advocating for safe, inclusive healthcare I hope to aid in creating a vibrant and healthy region for all citizens.”

Robert Pearce

Robert Pearce
To quote Aneurin Bevan – founder of the British National Health Service, healthcare/healthcare philanthropy is important because “illness is neither an indulgence for which people have to pay, nor an offence for which they should be penalized, but a misfortune; the cost of which should be shared by the community.”
Join the Foundation Board
Are you passionate about your community? Are you interested in advancing health and wellness for your neighbours? The Grande Prairie Regional Hospital Foundation Board is seeking self-motivated individuals that live in the city or county of Grande Prairie to join our Volunteer Board of Trustees.